Support @mateonunez because he needs more coffee. ☕️
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Support Scott Helme in making the Internet a more secure place!
I study computer science at the National University of Singapore. I build tools that boost my productivity.
Support kissu's contributions on helping people
Support Torsten’s Free Software work
Hi-Rez is an art + design + technology company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible today with real-time graphics on MacOS, iOS, & tvOS. We love open source and are the creators & maintainers of Satin.
Medito Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving mental wellbeing and helping people cope better with depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative states of mind
Open-Sorcerer (🧙) supporting "Build Break Improve" philosophy, sharing insights and thrilling tales through my personal blog. On weekends, I morph into a security sleuth, uncovering vulnerabilities in Fortune 500 giants and government bodies.
Support NemesisRE's open source work
Born 1971 Thomas Burkhart could be seen almost as a legacy system. Being almost 30 years in this industry led him to a lot of different technologies, like C++ with mfc, C#, microcontrollers in C and currently mobile App development with Flutter.
I develop and maintain jsTree and a number of smaller open-source PHP projects.
Support ESPresense's open source work!
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Hi there, I'm Heyward Fann, aka fannheyward on the web, a developer based in Beijing, China.
I'm French, CEO at Marmelab. I'm passionate about #Sustainability #React #LeanStartup #UX. I'm the lead developer of react-admin (JS) and Faker (PHP), two popular open-source libraries.
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